yuanyuan's playlists

Saturday, August 14, 2010


hai guys...sry for neglecting my blogs for almost a week@@
as this week is the first starting school week
so is quite busy for me to rearrange all my timetable
in addition,my study timetable always vary
coz there are some students cant made it at some particular times
like the monday class has changed to friday

i was very happy when i first heard that there was no class during monday
as i have two tuition on every monday
but very soon...i was disappointed again
as friday class is completely a troublesome for me
we have to drive from bm all the way to penang
to attend the 2hours class
so it is wasting my time n transportation costs lorrr
haiz..why there is impossible to have perfect thg in this world???
anyway,now juz have to wait for the new timetable to come out again
as almost the whole class is unwilling to have class at friday
but if failed to change,i'll going to have a big problem

as i'm that type of person who get tired easily by travelling
n also fall in sick more easily=(
so hope that it would change to other days
oh ya.let's talk abt this week
busy everyday
as everyday gt working
so damn tired~~~
but i believe i can do it^^

now,everybody in my class is busy discussing the further studies-degree
it becomes a big issue as we're going to graduate very soon
so its time for us to make decision
but for me,i'm a more well-planned person lah
not to praise myself lah^^
but i have started researching since last year
but the sad thg is that i still cant make up my mind
to further my studies to which U and which place
i'm so frightened that i might make a wrong decision again
as i have made the wrong decision to enter diploma level
i think i'm more suitable to study A-lvl and then degree

but wat to say??
i'm almost the way to complete my diploma
but now,i started to think more positively
so i shall not have the thinking that i'm wasting my time in studying diploma
as study is not a wastage!!!
i have earned lots of knowledge in all business fields
i have learned management,HR,accounting,marketing,economic and so on

anyway,i wish to further my studies to KL
but there are nobody agree in me,even my bf=(
i'm totally not willing to stay in penang ade
i have to apologize to whom that disagree on me
i have to leave here to look into the outside world
many ppl may think that i'm having a childish thinking or
totally "dun know to think"不会想
but i have to admit that i choose to leave is bcoz of my private reasons

if i choose to stay n continue studying at penang
i may not be escaping from my family burden forever
but dun think i'm a selfish daughter
i have sacrificed many thg that u may cant even imagine
now,wat i require is juz to give myself an opportunity to go out
n have a look at the outside world
to increase my knowledge n become more independent
so please dun always made me guilty
n stop criticized me!!!
i juz wan to study but not killing ppl or doing illegal thg,k?
so please treat me fairly
i also have my own ambition n goal in my life
dun always wan me to match others
while nobody matches on me

sorry for listening my long nagging
anyway,feel more relaxed after complaining through this deaf n mute blog
have to stop here
as 2moro have many jobs are waiting for me to complete=)
bye guys~~~

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